Raising children, we sometimes worry about what is actually little for them. Instead, it is better to focus on what is really important. What principles of education should I pay attention first of all?

Recently, my wife Ashley and I appeared the fourth child. And for me, every


new child is an occasion to indulge in nostalgia and reflect on my own childhood.

I think that from the past I recall most often and why. And what memories would like to leave about myself from my children. I want to plan in advance and provide every precious moment.

The only purpose of children is to replace us. Therefore, their first words: “Mom, dad, for now!” That’s funny. But besides jokes, this is a reminder: life is short and time allotted for communication with children will pass very quickly.

I want to extract maximum benefits from every minute and leave a kind of inheritance that will survive me for a long time. Not that I was painfully obsessed with this idea, but it is important for me not to lose sight of the main thing when I spend time with children.

Like many others, we tend to worry about things that mean little. Children, most likely, will not remember every detail of the home environment or our beautiful garden whether the refrigerator was filled with products of famous brands or the most common. Let’s focus on what is important.

1. The time when they thanks to you felt safe

Each child is vulnerable and needs to be protected. Your children will remember those evenings when you ran away helped to survive nightmares. But the moment will be remembered in the same way when the monster woke up in you and scared them in earnest.

Of course, sooner or later children will have to see us evil, furious, because it is also part of life. But try to make the children next to you always feel safe.

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