Without surgery and chemotherapy: American doctors revolutionized cancer

Patients on whom they experienced a new medicine were able to defeat the neoplasms of the rectum. Many oncologists are sure that the future in the treatment of oncology for immunotherapy. A step towards this was made by doctors from the Sloon-Chattering oncocenter in New York and the Pathology Department of the Medical School of […]

5 things that your child will be remembered forever

Raising children, we sometimes worry about what is actually little for them. Instead, it is better to focus on what is really important. What principles of education should I pay attention first of all? Recently, my wife Ashley and I appeared the fourth child. And for me, every https://technophilesblog.com/20-facons-de-devenir-une-deesse-du-sexe/ new child is an occasion to […]

Gandhi, Apostle Non -violence

A young Indian lawyer, who received excellent education in England, comes to work in South Africa. He buys a first -class ticket, but the conductor throws it out of the car: there is no place with color. Lawyer Named Mohandas Gandhi time – the end of the XIX century. The shock from what happened made […]